A Drug Screen for CMT2A

Project Complete!
In this project, researchers at AcuraStem developed a new drug-screening platform utilizing cells donated by CMT2A patients. The team used this platform to screen several thousand compounds, many of them already approved by the FDA or international regulatory agencies for use in other diseases, for their ability to promote survival of CMT2A cells. In an initial screen, thirty-seven compounds were identified as being potentially therapeutic. The AcuraStem scientists then performed a more in-depth validation stage of the project, further narrowing down the compound list to eleven that may show therapeutic benefit for people with CMT2A. While more research is needed to follow up on these leads, this project has resulted in the development of important knowledge in the continuing effort to develop treatments and cures for CMT2A.
We are very pleased with the outcomes of this study. Using our iNeuroRx® technology platform, we successfully created patient-specific disease models using cells donated by patients with CMT2A. These patient models have the potential to be more predictive of benefit for CMT2A patients than traditional models. We then tested thousands of compounds to identify potential therapeutics in a fraction of the time it would have taken with traditional methods. More research is needed, but this study gives us important information to build from.
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