The CMT Research Foundation: Delivering Treatments and Cures for Charcot-Marie-Tooth


The CMT Research Foundation is a patient-led, non-profit focused solely on delivering treatments and cures for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. CMT affects one in 2,500 people (about the same prevalence as multiple sclerosis), including 150,000 Americans and more than 3 million people around the world.

We have one single mission: to raise funds to invest in science that will lead to treatments and cures for CMT. Our impact goes beyond simply making investments. We identify key problems or gaps in progress to a cure, then aggressively find partners to attack the problems. We introduce CMT to the greater drug development community, something that has rapidly increased the number of experts working to solve the disease.

We fund projects with the highest likelihood of leading to clinical trials and approved treatments in the near term. All investments are gated, meaning projects need to achieve milestones defined for each phase of work before receiving funding for the next. Every contract includes a return on the CMT Research Foundation’s initial investment which is then reinvested in new projects.

CMT Convention Logo

Registration is Now Open for the CMT Research Foundation’s 2024 Global CMT Research Convention


CMT Research Foundation Invests in Project at Nationwide Children’s Hospital to Develop Improved Gene Therapy Delivery Systems for Several Types of CMT

September is CMT Action Month - Learn All The Ways YOU Can Take Action



4062 Peachtree Road
Suite A209
Atlanta, GA 30319

Phone Number


Media Inquiries

George Simpson


[email protected]