CMTRF Financials

The CMT Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity as designated by the Internal Revenue Service. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the law. The CMT Research Foundation’s EIN is 82-5476655


By the Numbers

The CMT Research Foundation currently has nine salaried employees. The Board of Directors are volunteers and receive no compensation. In fact, each board member makes an annual financial contribution to CMTRF. The Scientific Advisory Board is a group of clinical and scientific experts who are considered leaders in their fields. Each member reviews and scores proposed research projects. Advisory Board member are offered small honoraria but often turn them down.

Charity Navigator does not admit organizations like CMTRF until they are 7 years old.


4062 Peachtree Road
Suite A209
Atlanta, GA 30319

Phone Number


Media Inquiries

George Simpson


[email protected]