In Memory of Pauline Goulet

Make a gift in memory of Pauline Goulet.

Donate below or by mail:
CMT Research Foundation
4062 Peachtree Road NE, Suite A209
Atlanta, GA 30319

The CMT Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Charcot Marie Tooth had debilitating effects on Pauline, it forced her to give up her license when driving became difficult, to sell her home and move into assisted living when her falling became more frequent and dangerous. Striping her of her freedom and independence it eventually took her ability to maneuver her hands like she needed for her favorite pass time activity of knitting.  While Pauline tried her best not to let it hold her back, CMT slowly deteriorated her mobility as well.

It’s hard to understand how emotionally draining and painful this disease is until you see someone suffering through it. In loving memory of Pauline Goulet, we have set up this donation page in hopes to help researchers find a cure. We appreciate any donations and hope to bring more awareness of CMT.


The CMT Research Foundation (CMTRF) is the only organization focused solely on delivering treatments and cures for CMT. The CMT Research Foundation is committed to doing our part to end CMT.


To read more about what the CMTRF is doing for cmt visit 


4062 Peachtree Road
Suite A209
Atlanta, GA 30319

Phone Number


Media Inquiries

George Simpson


[email protected]