I heard a loud pop. Then came the sudden swelling. All I’d been doing was walking down the sidewalk when my left leg snapped. At first, I thought it was just sprained. I kept limping on it for two weeks, until a doctor confirmed it was broken. Doctors gave me three options: Live with the pain and wear a removable cast for the rest of my life, undergo another surgery that probably won’t work, or amputate a portion of my leg. I chose amputation. Read more about Joe’s journey and what he’s doing to give people with CMT more than hope.
Thank You for Giving Me More Than Hope
This year has brought great momentum in the fight against CMT. At the CMT Research Foundation, we are hearing from scientists that it feels like something special is in the air. Conferences and journals are full of new discoveries, fundamental problems in CMT are being solved, new genes are being discovered, and new drugs are being developed. Read more about the progress.
One Million Steps to the Holidays for CMT
By: Gary Donaldson, community manager, CMT Research Foundation As I approach my one-year anniversary as the community manager for the CMT Research Foundation, I’ve thought a lot about how I should mark this occasion. I decided the best way to celebrate is by facing...
WATCH: Power of the Patients: How We Change the Pace of Drug Development
The CMT Research Foundation is asking and answering the most pressing questions patients have about the need for treatments and cures. In episode 2, CMT Research Foundation CEO Susan Ruediger interviews Cure SMA’s Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Jill Jarecki, DTx Pharma Scientist Dr. Raffaella Gesuete and patient advocate Gary Donaldson to understand what patients can do today to influence the drug development process and speed progress. {HINT: Patients have the power to change everything!}
A Family’s Fight to Change Their Daughter’s Future
Eight-year-old Leonor struggles to walk, sit up straight and hold a glass of water. Other kids make fun of her because she has to wear leg braces. When Leonor was diagnosed with CMT, doctors said she’d ben in a wheelchair for life. Her family refuses to accept that fate, and so do we. There’s always something we can do. Learn how you can take action to end CMT.
WATCH: When Can Patients Expect Treatments for CMT?
In this first episode of the CMT Research Foundation’s new video series that asks and answers the toughest questions about CMT treatments, leading research experts will have you on the edge of your seat as they share when patients can expect treatments for CMT and how they can participate in accelerating progress.
CMT Patients & Families Need More Than Awareness
It has been more than 130 years since CMT was first discovered, yet there are still no treatments or cures. This CMT Awareness Month, we need more than awareness. We need action. Here’s what we can do together to move the needle now.
5 Ways CMT Patients Can Take Action to Accelerate Drug Development
Unlike other neuromuscular diseases, CMT patients have no approved treatments. See how we’re applying breakthroughs in SMA to advance CMT drug development.
A rallying cry for the CMT community: If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
By: Gary Donaldson The New York Times recently published an article about individuals living with rare genetic diseases who have become advocates for their conditions. These courageous champions are shaping research to change the course of their disease, despite the...
Reflections on a CMT Research Supporter
By Patrick Livney, Chairman of the Board Recently, I was contacted by Barton, a son of Charles G. Bentzin, who informed me of the passing of his father. Sadness aside, his reaching out touched me on two fronts. First, telling me how Charles “enjoyed talking with you...