More Than Hope: An Action Plan to End CMT

More Than Hope: An Action Plan to End CMT

As we approach the end of 2020 and look ahead to a new year, it’s natural to feel hopeful about what the future may hold — hope for an end to the global pandemic; hope for happiness and good health for our families; and hope for an end to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). The CMT Research Foundation shares these hopes, but we know delivering treatments and cures for CMT quickly requires more than hope. It requires vision, commitment, wisdom, a strong plan, and most importantly — action.
See a preview of the CMT Research Foundation’s 2021 action plan.

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‘Tis the Season for Scientific Breakthroughs

‘Tis the Season for Scientific Breakthroughs

During a year when so many things have been postponed, changed or cancelled, there is one thing that hasn’t stopped — the CMT Research Foundation’s efforts to end CMT. Research continues, even during the holidays, to find treatments and cures as quickly as possible. These researchers will be working this holiday season to uncover scientific breakthroughs. Here’s how several of our researchers will be celebrating by continuing their work for you.

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20 Most Popular CMT Stories & Resources from 2020

20 Most Popular CMT Stories & Resources from 2020

2020 has been a year of information overload. To help the Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) community navigate these staggering statistics, we’ve developed a round-up of the 20 most read articles and stories about CMT on during 2020. You were most interested in three key areas: 1) stories from the CMT community, 2) the latest in research development and discovery and 3) understanding CMT and specifics about the disease.

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Curcumin and CMT: What You Need to Know

“Should I be taking curcumin supplements or eating more turmeric?” Many people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) have been asking this question after researchers recently published a paper about curcumin and CMT in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine. The CMT Research Foundation’s chief scientific officer explores the findings and what it means for people with CMT.

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CMT Research Foundation Launches New Research Project to Design Precision Medicine Approach for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

CMT Research Foundation Launches New Research Project to Design Precision Medicine Approach for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

In this new CMT Research Foundation-funded project, Drs. Lorson and Garcia at the University of Missouri will develop and test a new gene therapy approach that will both silence the abnormal gene and simultaneously replace it with genetic material that will produce normal protein. The research team will test this approach in an animal model of CMT2E that is already well understood, making it suitable for this proof-of-concept project. If the approach is successful, it could potentially be used for other forms of CMT as well. In fact, it is possible this approach could be used for many CMT-causing mutations that require both silencing of a mutated gene and replacement with normal protein — whether the mutation is currently known or has yet to be discovered. The ability to silence and replace genes, regardless of the specific mutation, is what makes this a precision medicine approach.

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CMT Research Foundation Announces New Research to Study Inflammation as Potential Treatment Target for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

CMT Research Foundation Announces New Research to Study Inflammation as Potential Treatment Target for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

The CMT Research Foundation is proud to announce a new research collaboration with renowned nerve disease expert Dr. Rudolf Martini of University Hospital Würzburg to investigate whether inhibiting inflammation in the peripheral nerves could reduce symptoms and improve outcomes for patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Type 1B. Read more about this project and see the four stages in the project.

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