Progress is Possible Because of You

Jan 11, 2021 | CMT Research Updates, Foundation News

As we begin 2021, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your continued commitment to the CMT Research Foundation community. Despite a challenging last year, friends like you rose to the challenge and have made it possible for the CMT Research Foundation to fund new and existing research projects this year that show tremendous promise for potential treatments. I want to take a moment to thank you for your friendship, partnership and generosity.


As I speak to CMT patients and reflect on my own family’s experience with the disease, I know the slow pace of drug development can be frustrating. But what you do matters, and it’s working. Here are eight ways to measure progress in CMT research and know your support is making an impact.

I look forward to keeping you informed as we work on the CMT Research Foundation’s action plan for 2021 to achieve our shared mission of delivering treatments and cures for CMT during our lifetime. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and for helping everyone with CMT get one step closer to ending this disease.

Susan Ruediger
CEO, CMT Research Foundation
Living with CMT1A