Consider this: A recent article from Hosting Tribunal reported that there are nearly 2 billion websites on the Internet with 4.2 billion pages of content. Blogs hosted on WordPress alone generate more than 4.4 million blog posts per day, while news outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post publish between 150 and 1,200 stories, graphics or posts daily. That’s a lot of content!

2020 has been a year of information overload. To help the Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) community navigate these staggering statistics, we’ve developed a round-up of the 20 most popular articles and stories about CMT on during 2020. You were most interested in three key areas: 1) stories from the CMT community, 2) the latest updates in research development and discovery and 3) better understanding CMT.

Top CMT Stories of 2020


Stories from the CMT Community

Here are the top stories you read most from the CMT community in 2020:

1. Losing My Daughter: What CMT Really Looks Like

2. I Have No Intention of Living with CMT for the Rest of My Life: Gary’s Story

3. No One Should Have to Choose Between Motherhood and CMT

4. A Brotherly Bond that Must Be Broken

5. Hope Alone Won’t Save My Hands, But a Treatment Will

6. After 10 Surgeries in 10 Years to Address Deformities from CMT, This Young Woman is Fighting Back

Research Development & Discovery

This was the top CMT Research Foundation research content in 2020:

7. Research Currently Funded by the CMT Research Foundation

8. The CMT Research Pipeline

9. When Can Patients Expect Treatments for CMT?

10. New Video Series with CMT Research Experts

11. New Research to Study Inflammation as Potential Treatment Target for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

12. DTx Pharma Achieves Second Milestone in Study to Advance Treatments for CMT1A

13. New Research Project to Design Precision Medicine Approach for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

14. When Can CMT Patients Expect FDA-Approved Treatments?


Better Understanding CMT

In addition to patient stories and research news, our CMT community was most interested in information to help individuals, families and loved ones better understand CMT and various aspects of the disease. Here were the top resources you found most helpful in 2020:

15. What is CMT?

16. CMT 101: Understanding CMT & the Peripheral Nervous System

17. CMT 101: Understanding CMT Genetics

18. CMT 101: Understanding Therapy Development

19. Types of CMT

20. Signs and Symptoms of CMT

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